
Showing posts from October, 2021

SI #4

  Materials: pencil, colored markers, colored pencils Process: First I made an outline with pencil. I used two points outside the piece to create perspective. Then I added color and some outlines. Colored pencil was added for texture and shadow. Ideas: This piece piece depicts Tom and Scadoosh starting their smoothie business! Their use of kiwi fruit is offensive to the kiwi birds so they start scheming for the most extreme revenge, world domination! This piece is meant to further the story and provide a setting.

SI #4 progress

Materials: pencil Process: I used a ruler and and two dots on the outside of the piece to show perspective. Ideas: This piece leads up to the epic conclusion of the story when the kiwi birds take over the world. Using kiwi fruit for smoothies is the final straw so kiwis soon plan world domination. I will do a similar piece later but during the apocalypse.  

SI #3 tada!

Materials: markers, colored pencils Processes: First I drew an outline with pencil. I then colored in the hands, coffee cup, shirt, and comic. I erased the pencil as I went in order to not smudge the pencil marks with marker. The colored pencil was used over the marker to add shadows and detail. Ideas: My idea at first was to draw a coffee cup on a flat surface depicting Scadoosh (long haired guy) yet again pranking Tom (crazy yellow hair guy). I ended up drawing the coffee cup being held in order to add interest and to fit with my question. I changed the comic to just show them being friends to tell the reader that they are friends. The comic now leads up to my next piece. I changed the color of Tom’s shirt to aqua because a red background would have looked weird (also I had no good red marker).   

SI #3. Progress!
