SI #4 progress

Materials: pencil
Process: I used a ruler and and two dots on the outside of the piece to show perspective.
Ideas: This piece leads up to the epic conclusion of the story when the kiwi birds take over the world. Using kiwi fruit for smoothies is the final straw so kiwis soon plan world domination. I will do a similar piece later but during the apocalypse.



  1. Love the story!
    Really fun logo. (Wouldn't be surprised if you have a chain someday!!)

    I suggest using the RHS for the sunlit side and cause your sneaky Kiwi to be seen a little more. If obfuscated too much, it will be unclear and lost on your audience. (And it shouldn't be, its really funny). Same with some of your text, make sure we can read it quickly. Viewers have short attention spans, need to let them know quickly what you are trying to say.
    Very good work, love the perfect perspective!


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