SI #6 the beginning of doom!

 Materials: pencil, colored markers, colored pencils

Processes: First I sketched an outline with pencil. Then I filled in with colored markers. Then I went over the marker with colored pencils to add detail. I added splotches of green and red to hint at the transition from no color palette to mostly all reds and greens.

Ideas: This piece is a transition from the normal to the apocalypse. The kiwi’s beak sticking out of the hood hints at a kiwi inside. I plan to use a different color palette and tone for future pieces. I’m tired of the simple, I’m ready to shake things up a bit.


  1. This is wonderful
    I like the smoothness of the shadows. The coat looks 3D in contrast to the character's faces. Its an interesting style.
    I like the way your story is progressing and building. It is much clearer visually that the first piece so well done.
    I look forward to your next piece.

  2. I also like the way the hoodie is clearly not part of the bird, a good correction from our critique.


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