SI #7! It’s kiwi time!
Materials: pencil, colored markers, colored pencils
Processes: First I made an outline with pencil. Then I filled in the outline with green and red markers starting from the bottom. After that I added dark and light gray marker. I added detail with colored pencil but this time I didn’t need to as much because I focused on the markers more.
Ideas: My idea for this piece is to introduce the kiwis by changing the color scheme to specific colors while also keeping the real and cartoonish theme in the piece. At first I was going to have the kiwi still wearing the hat but I realized it would have come off when they took down the hood so I left it out.
SOO SOOO great! I love the complimentary colors and the sliver of red orange. The kiwi's face within a face illusion is especially effective. Great work, you should self publish.